Sunday, January 15, 2006

Relocation or how the Bu's were regurgitated from Concord 94519

Hi all,

A lot of folks have been asking how it’s going for the Bu’s in Ga. Well I wouldn’t want to do this halfway so I’ve decided to update the blog. I will post this on BEBO ( and on my blogspot site (

Well as most of you know we moved to Georgia at the end of November. We ended up spending about a week in New York City as we waited for the moving truck to arrive at our new home. Well if you know anything about New York at that time of year you know there are pretty lights, and crowds of people walking about in shopping and there are pagan Xmas songs blaring out of every PA in every store in NYC and it is COLD!! Not wussy Northern California cold but the kind of cold that eats away at your bones, chills your soul and spits wads of phlegm popsicles for good measure.

Anyway we were really looking forward to some warm weather when we got to Ga but as you can see we were DENIED. The very next week after we arrived we were hit with an ice storm. (See some pics below.) The ice was so heavy it knocked down trees and pulled down power lines. We were left without power for about 6 hours. We were forced to go to the only place we knew that had power: the mall. Yes we became intimate with our good friend the Mall of Georgia as she cradled us in her warm arms until ole Jack Frost did his worst.

Anyway since then it has warmed up quite a bit but we have suffered every sort of illness under the sun. Gayle and Logan both had to get antibiotics to fight off cold after cold. I also got sick but not as badly. Well that is until two weeks ago.

I was hit with what I thought was food poisoning. Just imagine making a watery deposit to Banco de Porcelain while at the same time tossing your cookies into the bathtub. I don’t need to imagine it because one fateful night I experienced that indignity and now I can speak freely to those who suffer this fate. It turns out that it was not food poisoning at all but a particularly nasty microbe which decided to wreak an epidemic of projectile spew upon the community of East Grayson congregation the likes of which generations hence will speak of in whispered voices with reverence and awe.

We were sitting at Danny and Rebekah Quintana’s home (FYI - Jason Taylor’s cousin) when the outbreak hit Logan. He proceeded to eject the smelly contents of his stomach all over me and Rebekah’s white bedroom carpet. A few days later Gayle had to suffer the adult version of this malaise. Soon thereafter, during last Thursday’s meeting, little 3 year old Paisley Quintana was the next to feel the wicked hand of this ugly bug and we found out today at the meeting that Rebekah was currently suffering the same fate. Danny Q. is just biding his time, waiting for his turn in this sinister queue.

As for us, well for the first time in the past few months we are all relatively healthy. I have started my job search in earnest but have been duly distracted by the new love of my life, Bebo. We are starting to get acclimated to our new lives here in Hotlanta but as you can tell it has not been easy. The congregation is taking good care of us but we miss our friends in California.

Please keep posting comments and keep in touch. We miss you all tremendously and look forward to seeing you all soon. I will post more updates when I have something interesting to report.